

For twelve years, author Mary Ovian compiled the history and memories of her beloved family, typing the manuscript entirely by hand on her typewriter. Though typical at the time, it is all the more impressive given the fact that Mary’s hands were riddled with rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic disease affecting the joints and bones.

After this Herculean effort and final completion of the book, Mary tried to secure an editor to publish “Seeds in the Wind.”  No publisher or editor was interested, but she was determined and resolute to ensure the manuscript was copyrighted with the Library of Congress.

Once these rights were obtained, each member of her extended family received a bound copy of what eventually became affectionately referred to as “The Book.”  It is enshrined in a dark crimson binding with embossed gold letters, and has held a place of respect and value in everyone’s home.

Before she passed in 2001, Mary entrusted the story’s future to her sister and best friend, Aroxy Zacarian.

Many years later, as Mary Ovian’s great-grandniece travelled across the globe, “Seeds in the Wind” was among her few valued and cherished possessions.  While living in Indonesia, it wasn’t before long the equatorial climate begun to take its toll – the binding and its pages began to deteriorate – under the constant threat of humidity, mold, and local insects.

Nature provided a reminder about Mary’s dream to protect and share the her story in perpetuity, and her great-grandniece was determined to fulfill Mary’s wish to publish the book for future generations of the family, as well as the general public. With Aroxy’s blessing and support, she has digitized “Seeds in the Wind” for publication on Amazon Kindle and Apple bookstores for anyone interested in the history of this remarkable Armenian family.


Video: Dear Mother Armenia